
Sunday 18 August 2013

Packet Data Network Gateway (PGW)

The Packet Data Network Gateway (PGW) provides the connection between EPC and a number of external data networks by being the point of exit and entry of traffic for the UE. A UE may have simultaneous connectivity with more than one PDN GW for accessing multiple PDNs. Thus it is comparable to GGSN in 2G/3G networks. A major functionality provided by a PDN gateway is the QoS coordination between the external PDN and EPC. Therefore the PDN gateway can be connected via S7 or Gx to a PCRF (Policy and Charging Rule Function).

The main function of PGW are :
  •  External IP point of interconnect
  •  IP address allocation
  •  Packet routing & forwarding between SGW to external Data Networks
  •  charging & Lawful intercept support
  •  Policy enforcement
  •  In home or visited network
  • Packet screening (firewall functionality)

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