
Sunday 18 August 2013

LTE : S1 Interface

S1 Interface is the interface that connect eNB to EPC. The Interface is devided into two part :

S1 - MME Interface
  • Control interface between eNB and MME
  • Signalling protocol is S1AP : S1 Application Protocol
  • Signaling transport based on SCTP
  • MME and UE will exchange non-access stratum signaling via eNB through this interface ( i.e. authentication, tracking area updates)
  •  the interface is more similar to Radio Access Network Application Part (RANAP), with some simplifications and changes due to the different functional split and mobility within EPS.

S1 - U Interface
  • User plane interface between eNB and serving gateway
  • Pure user data interface (U=User plane)
  • The interface will be based on GTP User Data Tunnelling (GTP-U) (similar to today’s Iu and Gn interface)

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